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Reading for Sure is something different that really does make a difference.

Reading For Sure was crafted to support every student’s journey to literacy, offering a unique approach tailored for those who might struggle with traditional methods due to challenges such as dyslexia, Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, global learning delays, and dysgraphia.

Unlocking the Science of Reading

Recent scientific research validates the foundations laid by the creator of Reading For Sure over 30 years ago. Phonemic awareness, phonetic blending, and a systematic, explicit approach to reading instruction are all essential for literacy success.

Innovative Techniques for Effective Learning

Reading For Sure incorporates techniques developed by Dr. Julia Solomon to make English phonetically accessible without altering the original texts. Unlike traditional phonetic systems used in dictionaries, Dr. Solomon’s program introduces students systematically to reading, helping them grasp phonetics intuitively.

Phonemic Code: The Key to Confidence

Dr. Solomon’s innovative use of diacritical marks removes the guesswork from reading, reducing the anxiety often associated with traditional phonics or whole – word methods. These marks are introduced progressively, one vowel at a time, through practice cards and story reading that significantly expand reading vocabulary. New Phonetic Instruction

Highly Trained Tutors for Comprehensive Support

Our specially trained tutors employ these tools and more to help students master sound blending, an essential skill for proficient reading and spelling. Additionally, tutors guide students in extracting maximum meaning from texts, crafting comprehensive sentences, and understanding grammar and punctuation. This holistic approach ensures a well-rounded literacy education.

For more information about how Reading For Sure can transform your child’s reading experience, please visit our detailed program page here:The Reading Puzzle

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