Literacy For Sure

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Reading is the foundation, but true literacy encompasses a comprehensive set of skills.

For over twenty-five years, Reading For Sure has evolved to cover all facets of literacy. This comprehensive approach enables our tutors to cultivate the necessary brain pathways that support diverse literacy skills, equipping students with the tools and strategies they need to reach their full potential.


Spelling is a crucial component of our program. We utilize a targeted spelling book and chart to teach students the various ways a single spoken sound can be represented in written English, enhancing their spelling proficiency and literacy.


Our handwriting curriculum focuses on the correct formation of letters, providing clear guidance on letter positioning and the distinctions between ascending and descending characters. This practice helps students achieve neat, legible, automatic handwriting, an essential skill for effective written communication.


It’s common for some individuals to read text without grasping its meaning. Our structured comprehension program tackles this issue by enhancing the ability to visualize and understand words, progressively building the skills needed to interpret and think critically about continuous text passages. This method is grounded in research that outlines how the brain sequentially processes written information.


From an early age, children recognize that their thoughts can be conveyed through writing. Our program encourages this realization by integrating writing with reading and comprehension skills, enabling children to record and reflect on their experiences through their own written words.


Effective written communication requires an understanding of basic grammar to ensure clarity and coherence. Our program introduces essential grammatical rules early in the learning process, allowing students to write confidently and correctly from the start.

Special Needs

Recognizing that traditional classroom settings do not cater to all learning styles, especially for those with special needs, our programs are designed to provide the necessary time and tailored instruction to help every student succeed in developing their reading and writing abilities.

At Reading For Sure, we are committed to developing all-encompassing literacy skills that empower students to excel in every aspect of their academic and personal lives.

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