Teaching Your Kids To Read: It’s Easy With Reading for Sure

Home / Teaching Your Kids To Read: It’s Easy With Reading for Sure

Teaching your kids to read is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling tasks as a parent or a teacher. It’s an exciting journey that opens up a world of possibilities for the child. However, it can also be a daunting task filled with uncertainties, especially for first-time parents or new teachers. This blog post will guide you through the process and provide you with tips and strategies to make the task easier and more effective.

The Importance of Reading

Reading is more than just a basic skill; it’s a critical component of a child’s development and success in life. It not only improves cognitive function, attention span, and creativity, but it also enhances their language skills, vocabulary, and understanding of the world. Furthermore, reading builds empathy and emotional intelligence, as it allows the child to explore different perspectives and experiences.


Teaching Methods

There are various methods to teach reading, and it’s important to choose the one that suits your child’s learning stage. Listening to the sounds in words is where they start, progressing through phonics and then recognition and automatic reading. Phonics involves teaching the sounds each letter makes and how to blend these sounds to form words. Reading aloud is a very effective method to help the child learn to read. More of the brain is activated when reading aloud as they use sight, sound and touch as they track the word on the page. Discussing what they read improves vocabulary and comprehension skills.

Reading For Sure Helps out

Reading for Sure’s Early Reading for Sure and Blending Buddies packages give you all the tools you need to start a child on their literacy journey. They are also great for the child who has not learnt their phonics or sound blending properly and is struggling with reading. The foundation skills built through excellent phonics reading are scientifically proven to be vital for the beginning reader. The small initial cost can save you hundreds in tutoring later.

Teaching Your Kids To Read: It’s Easy With Reading for Sure.

Helpful Tips

Here are some tips to help you teach reading t o your child. First, make reading a daily habit. It’s important to integrate reading into your child’s everyday routine. You could read bedtime stories or have a designated reading time during the day. Second, use resources like the Reading for Sure packages, storybooks, apps, and online games, involving reading clues etc., that are fun and engaging. This will make the learning process enjoyable and less stressful for the child. Lastly, be patient and supportive. Remember that every child learns at their own pace, so it’s important to celebrate their progress, no matter how small.

Patience reaps the rewards.

Teaching your kids to read is a rewarding journey that requires patience, dedication, and the right strategies. It’s a crucial task that significantly impacts a child’s development and success in life. Therefore, it’s important to approach it with enthusiasm and
a positive attitude. Remember, the goal is not just to teach your child to read but to instil a love for reading that will last a lifetime

For more tips and resources, check out our other blogs.