New Year, Same Learning Issues

Home / New Year, Same Learning Issues

Well, here we are it is 2022. The last two years have been a challenge for everyone. Here in Australia the children have gone back to school this week some glad that there has not been a lockdown to extend the holidays, for others they prayed that there would be. Many of the second group of children were not looking forward to school as it is such a challenge for them at the best of times.


Phonics and important part of literacy development

Even though phonics teaching has been gradually reintroduced to many schools there are still many students missing out on this important learning tool and are falling behind in their learning. The reasons for this are wide and varied, mainly because one size does not fit all when it comes to educating children. We need a flexible environment where teachers have the autonomy to respond to students learning needs and development. Unfortunately, it is rare in modern education for this to be the case, so many children miss out on the teaching instruction they need.

Success with literacy basically comes down to the foundation skills acquired, or not, in the early years – this does not mean hot housing the students and pushing them to do things not developmentally appropriate, but making sure they have progressed through, and mastered all the stages of learning to read.

Closing The Gap

This week I assessed a boy of fourteen and it was immediately clear that reading and learning was such a challenge for him because he had missed out on some of the foundation skills needed to succeed with literacy. Imagine trying to cope with a year 9 classroom when you are barely reading at a year 3 level! Just another example of what I have witnessed over the past 24 years; a failure to learn to read because no one was able to help him build his skills in reading. Many did try but achieved only limited success. With Reading For Sure’s one-to-one lessons, using our special program, we will be able to build his literacy skills by going back to basics and building from the ground up again. We know from experience that this will improve his literacy levels and rebuild his confidence. We need to help him catch up on 6 years of literacy as quickly as possible!

If only they had heard about Reading For Sure when he was in grades 1 or 2, we would have been able to prevent him falling behind in the first place! I can say this as we have been able to help so many children struggling in the early years to overcome their reading difficulties and read above their age.

Students Don’t Need To Struggle With Reading

If you know someone who has a child struggling with literacy tell them about Reading For Sure and then they can get the help they need and have a much happier time at school. There is no reason for a child to fall behind if they get the teaching instruction they need.

Would You Like to Find Out More?

Check out our earlier blogs for prereading foundation skills ideas and downloads.

Check out our events page Events to see when our next live video event will be.

I will be explaining what makes Reading For Sure different from other programs.


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If you would like to give feedback, ask questions, etc. then please email me I would love to hear from you. Lynne